January 28

The Dumbest Strategy for Your Business – How To Stop Doing It

There is a really simple idea, and when it sneaks past all the mind-gunk that we have in our heads, can change your world forever.

How simple can it be?  Are you ready?

What if everything that happened was the RESULT of one or more processes?  That is already true, you know that.  Now – what if you wanted different results?  How could you arrange for that to happen?

You know this – you would change the processes that happen before the result is uncovered.  Obvious.

Well, why don’t you?  What stops you?

In your business, chances are that you will say things like – “it is because I am working IN my business” or some such drivel.  That is harsh – but hey – you want answers, right?

We could drill down to pretend to care about all the reasons your business sucks. Ask the five “why” questions:  “why are you working in your business, not ON it, like it says in all the success manuals”?  Because I don’t have time, blah, blah.  Can’t get staff, blah, blah.  Covid, blah, blah.  Too fat, got apnea, so tired, but usually no time.   Oh – “why don’t you have time?”  Story, excuse, story, whatever.

I used to care about helping people to build their way out of the results of their past ignorance.

Ignorance not being an insult – just means lack of knowledge.  I used to listen to people tell me the saga of why their business still sucks after years or decades of them “working on it”.  Pfftt.  Not now.

Why?  Because it is mostly irrelevant.  Sometimes there is a “gem”, where you did something and you learned something that worked, and maybe you kept doing it – but probably you got busy and forgot to keep it going.  Some keep it going, but not like clockwork.

Why?  Same bloody question.  Ready?

Because unless you have a strategic plan with enough pure sense to give you more than a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding in the real world, reviewed quarterly, with weekly & daily structure to keep you (mostly) on track – your brain will simply “forget”.

You WILL get amnesia.  You WILL find yourself doing things that are not on the plan.  You will find yourself doing things that you like more (because you are a softy who will not simply do what is in your diary (if you even have proper diary), even though you personally created the task).  You WILL “forget” and manage to not even look in your diary, and soon the day will be over.

Your brain WILL simply cause you to “forget”, by putting your focus on things it considers less risky.  Because that is it’s job – to keep you the same.  If you have not made a million dollar profit in a year before – that is new for you.  And your inner brain knows that new is not as safe as things you have done before.  Blah, blah.

That’s the insight you can now use to change your world.  There is a reason why 99% of people make within 10% of what they made last year, no matter how freaking miserable or how skinny their kids are.  There used to a saying that DISORGANIZED salespeople have skinny kids.

What does “organized” mean?  Arrange systematically, put in order.  You knew that right?  “Put in order”.

“Order”?  The arrangement of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

You can see where this is going, right?

Your brain (call it subconscious or your “identity” or “ego”, whatever) WILL win in the battle to keep you safe, which means doing and getting what you got before.  Unless – you ORGANIZE.

Organize means you arrange your power in ways that defeat your brain’s safety hand brake.  There are thousands of things you could be doing at any time in your business – ORGANIZE means you know the ORDER of them.  If you do not “line them up”, you will act randomly or by how you feel or by whatever comes in the door.

Are you ready for another one?  A gem?

The word “form”.  Heard of it?

First remember that it can be the steel frames you use to create concrete foundations for a building.  You create the form, then you pour concrete into it.  How important is getting the form right?  What happens if you get it wrong?  You get a shoddy building that is not what you want, and might fall over.  Does that describe your business?

Plus it is piece of paper that banks use, to, you know, make a lot of money and reduce the risk of errors or bad decisions.

Before I realized that a form is precedes most things in the world, I did not respect them.  To my own loss.

In the dumbest possible terms:  You can use forms to force your brain to do what YOU want now, not to just keep you safe with whatever you had before.  Did anyone ever tell you that before?

Is it the reason that some people are very, very successful in business while other struggle?

Even if they do not put their forms in writing, they have a “mental form”, not as reliable, but still organized.

Once you know you need a form, you are forced to ask and answer the important questions, and create a plan with a decent probability of success, and then you can use your weekly and daily forms kick your brains arse, and get what you want.

I now collect forms.  Planning forms, activity forms, intelligence forms, process forms, problem forms, and all of them or any of them are the antidote to the biggest reason for business mediocrity.  Or health mediocrity.  Or relationship mediocrity.

So how do you make your business rock? Or rock harder?  With less waste?  First you decide to be brave, then when you are brave, you decide and get organized.

Organized for success or disorganized for mediocrity.  Unless you are lucky, and you might be.  Or maybe you inherited your ability for mental organization so YOU don’t need forms…  The answer is to look at what you are getting in your business or life now.  What you want, or not?

I have a coaching program.  Contact me if you are smart enough to notice that an external force makes things simpler, and more organized.








business strategy, planning

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