April 27

Trimtab this: Theory of Constraints Tells You Where to Begin Tuning YOUR Business..


Welcome back.  Continuing with our theme of “maps”, let’s reintroduce the concept of “trim tab”.

A trim tab is a relatively small device that holds enormous amounts of leverage when a vehicle is in motion.

One example is on the very large ocean liners.  To turn these massive vessels we could attach huge hydraulic to the rudder [which is what steers the ship].  If we try to steer by just applying huge power to the rudder – it would take massive amounts of energy.

Instead we can apply a very small amount of energy to a device that is on the edges of the rudder – called the trim tab.  Turning the trimtab – which is relatively easy – causes a vacuum to be created that then turns the rudder.  Is that a great example of leverage?

Aircraft also use trimtabs to alter and optimise altitude and direction.  Altering the tabs takes low energy – keeps the plane in the chosen direction, at the chosen altitude, and operating efficiently.  How is your business like an aircraft?  Well think about altitude, direction, efficiency, and ease of change.

It was in a discussion with my personal trainer that the TOC or Theory of Constraints recently re-emerged.

When I was doing squats – we worked out that the part of the process that holding back my progress was the amount of flexibility in my ankles and shins.  TOC says that it is pointless increasing the strength of my thighs [or any other part of me] – in attempt to improve my performance with squatting.

A great metaphor is a chain.  Chains are rated to a certain weight – which is usually their “breaking” point.  Within the links of a chain – one particular link will be the weakest.  To increase the rating of the chain – the only effective step is to increase the strength of THAT link.  Strengthening the others will not increase the ability of the chain to lift more weight – as the chain will simply break at that weakest point.

So TOC say to continually find and improve the weakest link in your chain to increase performance.

Where are the actual current constraints in your business?  Be aware that it is not as simple as it first appears to identify them – and your first attempts will probably be wrong.  Persist!  Anything worth doing is worth doing badly at first.  Or you would still be crawling.

A great reference book for TOC is The Goal by Eli Goldratt.

Have a great week


Ps – I am such a fan of the “trimtab” concept – that I learned about through the work of Buckminster Fuller, that I am changing the name of my Company to include it.  An early draft of my spin-off site is at trimtab.com.au

Townsville Business Coach


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