There is a simple model – and you know that I am becoming an increasingly focused on models – that anyone can apply, starting right now, with no further discussion needed, to have a successful life.
“Do the things you know will make your life better later. You know the ones, the things that are easy to do, and easy not to do.”
Just make a list, or do them as they appear. The things on this list are usually the little things. Like flossing your teeth. Or checking the tyre pressures in your car when your refuel. Or telling your children you love them as you say goodnight. Or just not eating that extra cookie for a midnight snack. Or ensuring your filing is done properly once a week. Or – and I believe this one has magical powers – making your bed as soon as you get up in the morning. Ask a new customer how they heard about us, put it on the leads form. Walk your retail store every morning and check for dead roaches that crawled out during the night. Smile before you answer the phone. Let the other person hang up first. Have a clean, tidy car. Have a date every week with your partner.
Regularly doing the little things adds up over our lives. Having an audio book or seminar in my car – gives me an edge. Making notes after meetings with clients – gives me an edge. Clean the dust and dirt off my desk and keyboards , use a sunscreen on my nose, take a vitamin every day, eat fruit every day, all those really easy things to do.
All those things that are also easy to NOT do.
Here it is again:
Do the things that are easy to do and also easy to not do.
Townsville Business Coach