November 3

Donate Blood – Have 88% Less Probability of Heart Attacks… Someone Tell the Red Cross?


There are at least two reasons to donate blood. The first is that it is simply a good idea to contribute to having a big blood bank available for people who will need it. It is the “right thing to do”. You can help.

The second reason is more selfish. Despite the powerful and ongoing marketing that we need to have more iron in us – the reality is that excess iron is VERY damaging to our bodies. Some suggest it is the MOST significant factor in aging.

It seems that our only method of reducing iron is to reduce the absorption of it in our gut – using a hormone called hepcidin. The more hepcidin you release, the less iron you absorb.

Iron overload is not usually a problem, except for those of us who have hemochromatosis – where iron builds up to extreme levels. This contributes to extra health problems to do with inflammation – like arthritis, liver problems, heart failure and other annoyances.

The interesting question is: – what if any iron level above the minimum needed is contributing to both your increased chances of an earlier death AND additional cellular damage (aging)?

Iron is our bodies acts as a “pro-oxidant”. You will remember from the incessant marketing from the vitamin producers that Vitamin C is an example of an “anti-oxidant”. And we have been conditioned to believe that anti-oxidants are the “good guys” and the more is better. The reality is the we need the “appropriate” levels of both pro-oxidants and anti-oxidants, not too much, not too little.

The iron supplementation industry – which is also huge – has underplayed the damage that excess iron may do to our cells. If your iron levels are not low – do not take iron supplements. Simple. There is no “just in case” benefit to taking supplemental iron. Your body can adjust your absorption levels automatically – and there is NO SHORTAGE of iron (of both kinds) in our diets.

Here is the bottom line – even a MILD excess of iron may impact on your vitality and longevity. Your body is designed to manage your iron levels automatically – but has trouble getting the levels to DROP if they are too high. Bleeding is one way.

There is a theory that blood/iron loss during menstruation is one of the reasons that heart attacks are lower than men, until the menopause, then heart attacks between sexes even out.

What to do? This study clearly shows that you reduce your probability of heart attack by 88% when you donate blood, compared to when you do not donate blood. (Specifically if you are a “middle aged man”.)

So the pathway for we males of the species is clear, donate blood regularly. Because it is the right thing to do – plus there is a reward… Do a web search right now to find your local donation point – and set a time. Maybe someone who knows someone in Blood Bank marketing could suggest they test adjusting their message?

Next article will talk about the more complicated factors to do with women donating blood. (Hint: for most it is still a good idea to donate.)


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