February 6

Sins are only errors mashed with …

Bucky Fuller said:   “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

I have spent decades fighting existing reality.  I am sure you have too.  What do I mean?

How long have you been “doing battle” with things already in existence?  Like storing too much fat on your belly or butt?  Or having a bank balance that is too small?  Or my sales are too low…

In past posts I have spoken about “choosing to struggle” – and in simple terms this is explained by my learning to swim process.  When I swam I tensed every muscle, I strained every nerve and concentrated on every part of my body.  Naturally I was exhausted after about 15 seconds, and then tended to gasp and sink.

Relax Dammit!

After a few decades of struggle I concluded that something was wrong with my process.  The answer was not to try harder or for longer.  It was the opposite.  I experimented with doing nothing but ‘relaxing’ and the water.  Just lay there, being calm.  Not try at all.  I could have used a modelling strategy – you know – had lessons?  But no.  I was addicted to “figuring things out” – a strategy which still both rewards  and punishes me.

After some floating – I found that I could make movements without tensing every muscle.  Eventually that led me to realising that the key to swimming is reducing resistance in the water.  Splashing is waste.  And now I can swim and remain relaxed and move well through the water.  So – it was when I stopped doing the things that did not work or help that I benefitted.  I made the old model obsolete.

The process was to discover the process and then strategically evolve it for a clear purpose.  And to enjoy the experiences as much as you can.  Does that sound like your business?  Your health?  Or are you “working” to retain the resistance and no-purpose tension?  And yes – it is like an onion (tastes great when properly cooked!)

Do we “break” habits?

No.  We either replace them or disconnect them.

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