ACCESS – CLICK HERE Emphysema Bootcamp First Module for My Educational, Training & Insight-bringing Resources…

For four decades I have been collecting, collating and creating resources and tools. I have literally hundreds of notebooks filled with tasty chunks of insight and usefullness.
I have over 120 different websites with different products and ideas. (In the old days of the internet, you needed to have a group of sites with good information all “pointing” back to the main sales page.)
On the list to bring to my Network site is a great collection of business, health, leadership, accelerated learning and other more random but interesting topics that are hard to categorise.
The new network will have complete courses built in, forums on each course and topic, libraries in which to dip if you have a special problem to creatively solve, and regular updates each week.
I am starting with a couple of “Health” trainings – because these are the most needed, and also the messiest to get installed, working and shared. The very first will be the Emphysema Bootcamp. This is quite literally the ugly frog of courses for me.
It is so because first of all, people with Emphysema (COPD) are essentially handicapped by their breathing. The constant stress, the shortage of available oxygen, the confusion because of the lack of decent explanations from doctors and the fear – all lead to this group having (on average), a very short attention span and a short fuse. I have dipped into several FB groups to see what help they require, and the need for a sensible, integrated path that will actually help is needed desperately.
I have three training levels for Emphysema Bootcamp.
The first is to give them a simple and clear link between their inflammation and their breathing. And what has gone wrong. There are clear and direct pathways between breathing levels driving release of inflammatory chemicals (histamines, cytokines and others) – when then direct the “mucus” cells (eg Goblet cells in lungs) to tool up to generate more and more mucus. Over time, this mucus then damages the alveoli (the bubbles at the end of the airpipes where gas exchange takes place) – leading to what is classed as “Non-reversible” Airways Disease.
Luckily, the first level of training for those with this condition is essentially identical to that proven to deliver massive symptom improvements in moderate to severe asthmatics. (Buteyko Method – which I have been an Instructor and Author since the early 1990’s.) And yes, I have personally seen major improvements in health and vitality for emphysemics using this training.
So – the first level is ready as soon as I move it (The Asthma Bootcamp Basic Level 21 Day) to the new platform. I will use that as the intro level for emphysema. The Library Site is at You can visit – but it will be very bare until about Wednesday.
The second level for emphysemics will guide them to very short, very low intensity physical training (micro!) which they will only do AFTER having mastered the Recovery Breathing process. The “exercise” is there only to give them practice at recovery. If you are smart, you can easily figure out how to do this by yourself. Learn to do Recovery Breathing, then begin exercises with the teeniest of challenges – like get into the car. Or take your shoes off. Or my favourite – stand up, then sit down again. Depending on your current level of deconditioning. Or you can join us, get support, have a community (anti-whinging rules will apply).
Here is the massive financial model – for $US5.95 per month you get access to everything except for Events. And there is a two (?) week free trial. It may be one week. Whatever.
Third level for emphysema is the peripheral stuff. There are various gadgets that can help, supplements, and exercise regimes. And once you get to this level you will likely already have far improved recovery and endurance. If you can live long enough, you may see some changes in your x-rays.
This is NOT treatment. You will NOT be advised to change your meds without talking to a doctor. I may express a thought or two that you might share with your doctor if you are on steep downhill. But your job as participant is to just do the drills and keep safe. And this program is not a sprint. Ideally you might see an improvement within 2 weeks.
I will share this on my FB Emphysema Group – as once I promise something I have to get it done. First Emphysema Level ready for access by Thursday morning my time (Australia).