Best Marketer? Me? James Hooper? Well – let’s do a test!
It is Saturday 5th April at 7pm – I will get this page ranked on Google for the term “Best marketer in Townsville”.
And my goal is to do that in less than 3 days using only 1 hour and no money spent.
Let’s do a screen shot as a “before”for the SERP.
Sounds simple? We shall see.
Well, I did some very brief and ugly marketing magic, had a delightful dinner, and behold – the two videos I created have appeared in the Google results. 67 minutes later. There are two videos because I stuffed up the recording and screenshare would not work – so I did another.
It is now 8.55pm on Saturday night – time to watch the rest of the movie upstairs.
Here is a screenshot of Google search for “best marketer in Townsville” – you will see my awful videos of number 3 and 4.
Tomorrow I will look to see if this post you are reading appears there as well.
Good night
Next Day Search Engine Results
Earlier this morning took the screenshot below. Now this post has appeared on Page 1 at position 8. That is pretty fast? Goal now is to bunt it up to the top.
UPdate 28th April 2014.
Ranking continue to improve, with videos in positions 1 and 2, and this blog page at position 5. Notice the listings for paid google adwords now have little yellow boxes next to them. If we chose – we could test adding paid positions for this search term, as well as the free ones.
Here is a more recent screen capture of search for Best Marketer in TVL:
Not sure what “marketing” is? Look it up.