August 1

LinkedIn Instant Improvement Tip July 2014

Each month I place an article in my summary page on LinkedIn.  It is part of a test for the impact of giving useful info that is easily used, rather than prattling on about how awesome my programs are.

I will be putting these articles into Slideshare, Video and Audio soon – but you can read the text version below.  Read the article of August (soon) here – and connect me on LI.

Instant Improvement
Instant Improvement

☁ Instant Improvement Tip ☁ July 2014


Last month I wrote about how to balance your intuition with statistical thinking – to avoid the BIAS that lurks in your thinking. Yes – you have systemic biases in your thinking – we all do – and they are likely the source of your repeated frustration, your blocks in your business and other pain.

Today I want to be very direct, not educate about biases. (“Thinking Fast & Slow” by Kahneman.)


If you are even >wondering< about getting some outside input about your business (or life) – then the answer is “YES, get some extra input.


Our brains have two separate thinking systems (Kahneman) – called System 1 (fast and easy) and System 2 (slow and requires effort). It is the role of our “slow” thinking System 2 to attempt to reduce the errors made by our fast thinking System 1.

System 2 requires focus and attention – hard work our brains do not really enjoy. Like doing maths – eg calculate now:

19 x 23

Your System 1 tells you this is a maths problem & that you could easily solve it with pen & paper. But the answer does not come to mind.

And you are wondering if you should bother to calculate the answer or if is “not worth the effort.”

If you have not done so – find the answer.

As you did this mental work you experienced “Slow” System 2 thinking. It was a slight strain. Your eyes will have dilated, and your blood pressure elevated slightly.


2 x 2 – answered by easy fast System 1

Here is the point.

If you have even an inkling in your mind that you would benefit from an outside input (like a coach), that is your slow, bias-avoiding System 2 trying to help you avoid further intuitive errors.

“Should I consult with someone” thoughts are big flashing warning lights on your dashboard.

Ignore warning lights at your peril. Get outside help, do NOT wait for MAGIC to save you.  It will be a very loooonng wait.




business, Coaching, LinkedIn, Townsville

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