November 8

Show Me Your Friends and I Will Show You Your Future

Who Are You Hangin’ With?

Because the answer is a very strong predictor of your future.

From decades past comes the term:  “I knew he/she would end up badly – he was mixed up with a bad crowd.”

You may have been told about concepts like “Your income will average to around that of the 5 people you most associate with.”

Network science infers that not only do our friends have immense effects on our self perception/image – but staggeringly – the friends of our friends exert even more impact on us than our friends do directly.

For example – if the friends of your friends smoke cigarettes (or drink alcohol to excess, or are more obese than average, or ANY variable you can name) – then YOU are strongly affected by that.  If you want to stop smoking – ensure that your friends (and their friends) are NON-SMOKERS…

In your business – do you hang with people (and their friends) who accept that you cannot excel in a tough economic environment?  Maybe they accept that having a business that is not thriving is “OK”?

Consider the way that schools of fish suddenly change direction – the pressure on any individual fish to conform for the safety of the school is enormous.    In the same way – the associates of your direct associates keep YOU in the behaviour that protects the group.

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Trouble is that “being safe” can mean not achieving.

Take time now to consider your full network – and decide whether your current exposure to group culture is in your benefit – or if now is a great time to made some “adjustments”.




Ps – also consider the implications of this idea for your marketing…



fish, Network science

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