March 31

Prime Time For Success – Is Your Powder Dry


Prime Time for Success Part 1

Here in the tropics of North Queensland it is the “wet” season.    And it has reminded me to keep my “thinking powder” dry.   Back in the last century (and the one before) it was essential for armies to keep their gunpowder dry.  And it was prudent to do so because without it they lost their ability to make things explode.

Is your powder dry?
Are You Ready to Launch?

The analogy can be applied to our success thinking.  Did you ever meet someone who when asked how business is – always gives an answer which gives you the feeling that they are under a big, wet, smelly blanket which makes their view of the world pretty dire and miserable.  And that they believe by sharing their view of how awful things are they are somehow helping you?  Kind of – “Hey come over here with us and you can share our heavy, dark, dingy, wet blanket!”   You will be safe here.

And that is a great way to put out a fire.  Throw a wet blanket on it.

So the next time you are ready to add to your success list – consider – “Is my success powder dry?”  Because if it is not – your spark will be wasted.

But how do you know if your powder is dry?

The first clue is in the words we use.  Both the word we share with others and the word we say to ourselves.  “I am so sick of ……”  “Why does it have to be so hard to get anything done?”  “You can’t do that because…”  “I don’t have time to ….”  “I am struggling to …..  already”.

Another clue is the people you hang with.  And the words they use while you nod to them.

Another clue is whether you have goals, and that you know what they are.  Have you noticed that if you walk done a busy street with no particular place to be – it is hard to get though the crowd.  But as soon as you begin to move with purpose – they get out of the way?

I am becoming crystal clear that choosing not to think about what I want is the most leveraged way to choose to be a victim.  Without this controlled thinking it is impossible to apply strategy or get effective work (achievement) done.  We cannot design a system until we first have a goal or purpose for that system.

The clearer the output of a system is described, the more potently the system can be designed to produce it.  Each reduction the clarity of the ideal output description results in continually reducing ability to apply power.   Until the ultimate level where there is no power – and the only choice is to drift on the tide.  A true victim.

So – think just for a while about how dry your success powder is right now.  And the evidence of it’s wetness will be the existence of your clearly stated goals, ambitions, desires, ideals or even preferences.

Stand by for Part 2 next week.

James Hooper

Business Coach Townsville


Prime Time for Success

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