December 16

The Happy Grinch That Used Gift Money To Restore Sight?

Well – it is Christmas time again.  There are Business Christmas parties on two or three times a week.  Business owners are pouring largesse for their clients – dinners, parties, gifts.

Yet I am not.  I think it is sort of nuts to only show gratitude or to work on building solid relationships in a great big burst at Christmas time.  Why not do it all year?  Or at least at times when people are not in a “Partied Out” State?

Parties are great things.

A few years ago as I was about to purchase restaurant vouchers for my clients – which was my “usual” gift around Christmas time – it occurred to me that there might be a better use for the money.  My clients obviously enjoyed receiving a gift – and it always nice to know that you are appreciated.  The amount I was investing was becoming a tidy sum – if not a princely one.

Then I received a card from a friend who instead of giving me a gift had instead given a chicken to a village in Kenya or Eritrea  or somewhere…  A chicken is a livestock investment.  It is real, and increases the wealth of a village considerably over time.

I discovered that not only can you donate chickens, but also equipment – like water sterilization systems.  If you are child in poverty – and someone in business in a distant land gives up handing out “overeating” vouchers to his wonderful clients so that you can get have safe water to drink – it that a really, really good thing?

Or if you are a parent and the only water you have for your children is smelly, dangerous and dirty – and you know it that is dangerous – but you have no choice – how do you feel?

And then World Vision turns up in a Land Rover and begins to set up the water treatment plant?

So for the last few years I’ve  been privileged to bundle the “Christmas Party Funds” and create a little positive ripple for some less fortunate people.  This year I was caught up in the emotion of having a loved one lose more and more of their sight.

And I discovered that $25 can give someone their sight back.   That is about the price of a good entrée.    Throw in a main meal, a bottle of wine, some coffees and you paid almost enough to have  something like this happen:

Click Here and Read The Article And if it strikes you as a good idea – then consider your Christmas Party Investment – or the “upgrade” you pay extra for when you fly – or any other time you pull out your credit card – and decide which has more value for you.

Have a safe and happy Christmas

James Hooper

Business Coach Townsville


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